Monday, January 28, 2013

Atheism Overview

What is Atheism?
Atheism is non-belief in god.  It isn’t a religion.  It isn’t a belief in the devil.  In fact, atheists generally disagree with the idea of myth and superstition on a whole.  That said, saying that you are an atheist is equivalent of saying that you are aren't a basketball fan.  It’s an opinion.  It's non-belief.  That’s all it is.  All atheists are different, there are no rules or guidelines they subscribe to.  They are not an organization and no one atheist speaks for atheism.
What is being Agnostic?
Being agnostic is not knowing if there is a god.  It is not atheism, nor any form of atheism. 
Gnosticism is all about what you know.  Theism is all about what you believe.

You would be classified as one of these four choices, and there is no potential for overlap.
I am an “agnostic atheist” and most honest atheists are.  Most theists are agnostic as well, but most don’t understand the differentiation well enough to realize it.

Why Does Any of This Matter?
To some people, it doesn’t.  It’s a moot point.  In fact, the entire idea of a god may not matter to them at all.  These people can be classified as those who “just don’t give a shit.”
To the average atheist, this is a completely acceptable attitude to have.  Atheists aren’t out to proselytize, because atheism isn’t a religion.  Believe whatever you like, just keep it reasonable.  Theists are far more likely to take umbrage with someone being dismissive of god, and for various reasons.
However, for anyone that does care, it’s worth understanding the definitions of these words so that you don’t sound ignorant.  And since the world is becoming more tolerant, diverse and free thinking, and information is more accessible than ever due to the internet, outspoken atheism won’t be going away anytime soon.

No matter which side of the debate you find yourself on, a basic knowledge of these definitions will go a long way towards establishing some credibility. 

Doing the Vatican Rag!

I decided to (originally) name my blog after a little known but very funny song by Tom Lehrer.  You haven't heard of Tom Lehrer mostly because he was hitting it big back in the 1950s and 1960s.

Lehrer is actually a brilliant mathematician who graduated from Harvard at a very young age with a master's degree.  Between working at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, teaching at MIT, inventing the Jell-O-shot, and decrypting communist's transmissions for the National Security Agency, he took the time to write parody songs.

And he also happens to be a funny guy:

On my income tax 1040 it says "Check this box if you are blind." I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away.

Anyway, I had a handful of other names for my blog that I was kicking around, but you would be shocked at how few web addresses are actually available these days.

Update:  I changed my blog to a few months later in homage to a line from Sam Harris.

This blog will be a general resource for anyone interested in atheism, theology and philosophy.  It is planned to be a collection of articles, videos and discussions points regarding the ongoing debate between theists and atheists.  A collection of pieces that have appealed directly to me and information that I hope will provide some insight to others seeking wisdom.  Due to my Christian background, it will feature my bible trivia regularly. 

I will do my best to give both sides of the argument their due consideration and all people of all faiths or non-faith are welcome.  It is only a matter of time until my blog is vandalized with spam, but until  then I will leave comments open.  I will let everyone have their say as long as they don't abuse their privileges.  I give it less than a year.

Thanks for reading.