Lehrer is actually a brilliant mathematician who graduated from Harvard at a very young age with a master's degree. Between working at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, teaching at MIT, inventing the Jell-O-shot, and decrypting communist's transmissions for the National Security Agency, he took the time to write parody songs.
And he also happens to be a funny guy:
On my income tax 1040 it says "Check this box if you are blind." I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away.
Anyway, I had a handful of other names for my blog that I was kicking around, but you would be shocked at how few web addresses are actually available these days.
Update: I changed my blog to SausageOfFath.com a few months later in homage to a line from Sam Harris.
This blog will be a general resource for anyone interested in atheism, theology and philosophy. It is planned to be a collection of articles, videos and discussions points regarding the ongoing debate between theists and atheists. A collection of pieces that have appealed directly to me and information that I hope will provide some insight to others seeking wisdom. Due to my Christian background, it will feature my bible trivia regularly.
I will do my best to give both sides of the argument their due consideration and all people of all faiths or non-faith are welcome. It is only a matter of time until my blog is vandalized with spam, but until then I will leave comments open. I will let everyone have their say as long as they don't abuse their privileges. I give it less than a year.
Thanks for reading.
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